
Partage de techniques culturales



Réseaux d'adductions gravitaires



Appui à la scolarisation primaire



Réduction de la mortalité infanto-juvénile


Sierra Leone

Nouvelles filières agricoles



Réseaux de maintenance des pompes manuelles



Forages et puits

Inter Aide is specialised in the implementation of development programmes for vulnerable rural families.
In 2023, Inter Aide has run 49 programmes in 7 countries, and 190,000 beneficiary families (around 950,000 people) have been directly supported to meet their most vital needs.
Since its creation in 1980, Inter Aide has been working on four key areas: water access, hygiene and sanitation, agriculture, health and education.
The programmes are carried out in particularly isolated, densely populated rural areas, where the presence of NGOs is weak and the context relatively stable so that actions can be sustained.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

20 March 2017


20 March 2017


20 March 2017


20 March 2017

Job offers


Réseau Pratiques

The Pratiques Network aims to capitalise on the knowledge of development NGOs and share their experiences and methodologies

Designing and implementing concrete development aid programmes

ATIA is a French non-profit organisation created in 2008 and specialized in the design and implementation of development programmes. ATIA is stemming from Inter Aide and respects its charter.