Inter Aide is currently carrying out 14 programs in Ethiopia in the following fields:
- WASH program: raising awareness about sanitation and hygiene, building gravity-fed water systems and supporting the development and professionalization of water management community services (associations and federations of users)
- Agriculture: supporting family farming
In 2021, 35,238 families were supported by these actions.
The current areas of intervention are located in the south:
- Gamo Gofa : Daramalo, Kucha Alfa
- Hadiya
- Kembatta Tembaro: Kacha Bira, Hadero, Doyo Gena et Tembaro
- Wolayta: Damot Gale, Ofa, Kindo Didaye, Kawo Koysha, Sodo Zurea, Boloso Sore and Boloso Bombe
- Dawro: Loma, Disa, Gena, Mareka, Torcha and Zaba
These districts are located in mountainous areas, where the population density is among the highest in rural Africa (average of 300 to 600 inhabitants / km²).
Inter Aide works with the local NGO RCBDIA (Rural Community Based Development Initiative Association) to:
- Help the most vulnerable families increase their agricultural production levels thanks to optimized farming practices, improved techniques and the diversification of production
- Rehabilitate water points and support federations in managing and maintaining them