Inter Aide is currently carrying out 10 programs in Malawi in the following fields:
- WASH program: raising awareness on hygiene, providing support for the improvement of sanitation, building and rehabilitating wells and boreholes, developing and empowering of water points maintenance network services thanks to hand pump repairers and spare parts dealers (the covered area helps reach potentially 6,000,000 users),
- Agriculture: supporting family farming, reinforcement of technical and organizational capacities of smallholder farmers, agroforestry, poultry vaccination,
- Health: improving mother and child health, reducing infant and child mortality, strengthening of local and community healthcare delivery, supporting behaviour change for better health, hygiene and healthcare seeking practices at family level.
In 2020, 50,946 families were supported by these actions.
The current areas of intervention are located in:
- South Region: Phalombe, Zomba, Mulanje, Chiradzulu, Machinga and Thyolo Districts
- Center Region: Lilongwe, Dedza, Mchinji, Salima, Dowa, Ntchisi, Kasungu, Ntcheu and Nkhotakota Districts
These areas of intervention are among the most densely populated in the country, which means the needs for basic services are high and access to land is limited particularly in rural areas which is where almost 80% of families live (and where the projects are implemented).
Local partners
- The “BASEDA“ NGO (BAsic SErvices Development Agency) and its branch in the Southern Region called “TIMMS”, which Inter Aide has been working with since 2008 developing networks for the maintenance of water points
- Associations for the Vaccination against the Newcastle Disease
- Main suppliers of hand pump spare parts with the network of dealer shops (including the company ESS-ESS).