Category Archives: Water committees

Explaining maintenance to the communities

Maintenance versus reparation: a document to explain during meetings the difference between maintenance and reparation by using illustrative examples of thedaily life .

Document available here:


Member of the team doing maintenance sensitization: after taking some examples comparing what has to be done to continue to use motorbike, or what has to be done to make sure your children are healthy and comparing with hand pump, the facilitator is showing pictures illustrating costs of maintenance…

Community training for hand-pump maintenance

A practical guide has been developed by the team in SIerra Leone for the Field Facilitators working with villages’ members for the organisation of the management and maintenance of their water system. This guideline provides some illustrated resources to help them preparing and conveying training and animations.

Refers to the following link for all related documents :

The first general document is a general presentation of the tool with reminds of mains steps: icon_pdf

  • A first session is dedicated to the explanation of what is practically meant by pump maintenance and pump repair.
  • Then, a second session focuses on the Water Committee, with a presentation of the role and responsibility expected for each member. Role plays are proposed to help them better addressing common practical situations.
  • Finally, a last part concerns regular maintenance operations that are usually done by a pump caretaker – see also how women are integrated into this position.
role play

Role play: a water committe member has to pick a card representing one specific positon among the committee and she/he will have to act according to this position and the scenarios the team are creating for the game.

explaining wc position

A field facilitator is using pictures to explain the water committees assignments and roles of each members. Images are extracted from










The full guide is available here: icon_pdf

About costs and financial organisation to maintain access to safe water in rural areas

How much it cost SLThe short note in link gives some key elements on the following questions: What is the cost of maintaining a pump in rural areas? How much does it represent per family user? Is it affordable? How can these contributions be organised and managed at village level?

The main conclusion is that, once a pump is restored to a certain standard, its yearly maintenance is relatively cheap and can, in most of the situations, easily be afforded and managed by the users, providing that some conditions are fulfilled. icon_pdf

Developing communities through women and water

involvingWomenThere are many essential reasons why women should be more involved in a community water resources project. In order to have more women participation, we need to better understand the role women play and how access to water can improve not only their own development but expand to many other opportunities.

This small paper aims at giving some clues to increase women’s participation for decisions related to the management and maintenance of a collective good, the water supply infrastructure. See pdf:  involving women icon_pdf

women pump caretakerSee also in the following document how concretely Inter Aide is integrating gender considerations into its approach, meetings and trainings with the communities. This tool is general recommandations and guidelines for animators. icon_pdf

Water Committees’ follow up tools (Makeni base)


For who ?


1.      Community training reporting: template to record general observation during each water committee training and framework to fill the template

Keep a factsheet on strengths and weaknesses of the community targeted
Animation team  Community training reporting template Community training reporting template guidelines
2.      Water Committee training form: template to formalise the water committee upon training completion

Have a record of the training for the Organisation but also for the community (2 copies)
Animation teamWater committees  WC Training Form_1 WC Training Form
3.      Water Committee follow up: framework to get updates in a community trained by the Organisation

Make effective a spot visit within a community
Animation team  Water Committee Follow up
4.      Communities follow up: general checking of the community before and after the first shot

Get a quick overview of the community’s organisation following Inter Aide’s intervention
Management team  Communities follow up guidelines
5.      Community members assessment: list of questions to interview community members out of the water committee

Make sure the water committee trained is having interactions with the community people and the purpose of this type of organisation is understood by everybody
Animation team and management team  Community members assessment_2
6.      Water Committee assessment: check list to evaluate the knowledge of the water committee’s members once the first shot has been done

Determine knowledge retention and plan a refreshing training if necessary
Animation team  Water Committee assessment