Inter Aide is doing rural WaSH in Bombali district since 2007.
Activities started in Kamakwie’s area with water points’ construction and/or rehabilitation, sanitation (especially CLTS since 2012) and hygiene promotion with the communities. In 2011, were launched the first steps of the maintenance program when the first local technicians were trained for hand pump maintenance.
The maintenance, including initial water point rehabilitation*, extended to the area around Makeni, the capital district, in 2012 (where sanitation and CLTS was already on going through Inter Aide’s health program).
In 2015, all Bombali’s district is now covered by activities of maintenance or new constructions. In parallel, as there are lot of small communities (less than 120 people) where the construction of a water point with a hand pump will be too costly (not enough beneficiaries, but also not enough manpower as Inter Aide is requesting a lot of community participation in its projects, but also too much money for the community to maintain the infrastructure…), Inter Aide proposes options for chlorination of the traditionnals water points (Household water treatment).

Well constrcution / rehab
* To know more about the difference between repair, rehabilitation, maintenance cf. to the following note on ”Pratiques” website : definitions of the maintenance.
These projects are or have been funded by the French Agency for Development AFD, the European Union, Unicef, and the Provictimis fundation …
The documents, information,texts, images of this site are produced by InterAide's team. Some notes are also distributed through the “Pratiques” network (piloted by InterAide). Other sources are mentioned when content has not been produced by Inter Aide. We would like to stress here that the information is not prescriptive. The purpose is not to “say what should be done” but to facilitate the exchange of ideas, methods and feed-back from field experiences. Authors allow the reproduction or use of any of this content, provided that the information they contain is reproduced entirely including the source (Inter Aide or Pratiques Network) and this notice.