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Chef/fe de secteur Santé

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Basé/e au siège de l’association, à Versailles (78)
Incluant des missions régulières sur le terrain au Malawi, au Mozambique et/ou à Madagascar


Inter Aide est une association spécialisée dans la réalisation de programmes concrets de développement conduits auprès de populations particulièrement démunies. Elle anime aujourd’hui une cinquantaine de programmes répartis dans sept pays, pour un budget annuel total avoisinant 8 M€.
Les programmes d’Inter Aide se déploient dans le cadre de secteurs géographiques relativement autonomes. La présente offre concerne le secteur qui couvre le Malawi et le Mozambique, avec une possible collaboration avec le secteur intervenant à Madagascar. Dans ces pays, Inter Aide mène des programmes dans les domaines suivants :

  • Santé communautaire, dans le cadre de programmes de santé materno-infantile (2 programmes dans chaque pays). Ces programmes ont pour objectif de réduire la mortalité et la morbidité des enfants de moins de 5 ans en agissant sur leurs principales causes (paludisme, diarrhées, infections respiratoires, mortalité néonatale principalement) via des actions de prévention et d’éducation des familles et un travail d’amélioration de l’offre de santé en collaboration étroite avec les services publiques ;
  • Accès à l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement ;
  • Mise en place de réseaux de maintenance des points d’eau et de vente de pièces détachées ;
  • Agriculture.

Ces actions sont mises en œuvre sur le terrain par des Responsables de Programme (expatriés ou locaux), sous la coordination technique et stratégique des Chef/fes de Secteur (basés en France) et avec l’appui de Responsables Administratifs et Financiers (basés en France).
Pour assurer la gestion et le développement de ses programmes, Inter Aide recherche un/une Chef/fe de Secteur Santé.


Sous la supervision du Directeur de l’Association, en collaboration étroite avec les autres Chef/fes de Secteur et la Chargée d’appui et de capitalisation, et en lien permanent et étroit avec les différents services du siège, le/la Chef/fe de Secteur Santé est garant/e de la qualité des programmes dont il/elle assure le suivi.
Il/Elle sera principalement chargé(e) de :
La gestion des programmes menés sur le terrain :

  • Définir, en lien avec les responsables de Programme, les orientations stratégiques des programmes menés sur le terrain ;
  • Assurer le suivi opérationnel des différents programmes et des Responsables de Programme, notamment par le biais de missions régulières sur le terrain (environ 5 ou 6 missions par an) ;
  • Contribuer au recrutement et au suivi des Responsables de Programme ;
  • Assurer une évaluation continue et une analyse des indicateurs récoltés sur chaque programme.

La représentation d’Inter Aide auprès des institutions, des bailleurs de fonds et des partenaires locaux :

  • Co-assurer la recherche de financements pour les programmes en cours, leur développement et le lancement éventuel de nouvelles actions ;
  • Rendre compte aux bailleurs de fonds des résultats obtenus et des perspectives pour chaque programme ;
  • Représenter l’association auprès des institutions, bailleurs de fonds et partenaires locaux.

La gestion budgétaire, RH et capitalisation :

  • Veiller à l’équilibre budgétaire du secteur en collaboration étroite avec les Responsables finance et les autres Chefs de secteur ;
  • Assurer l’interface entre le terrain et les autres services du siège (plateforme-bailleurs, services RH, etc.) ;
  • Favoriser les échanges d’expériences et de méthodes relatifs aux différentes actions.


  • Formation supérieure (bac +5 minimum) dans un domaine pertinent (professionnel de santé, santé publique, etc.)
  • Expérience préalable en PED d’au moins 3 ans dans la conduite de projets relatifs à la santé
  • Expérience souhaitable en management d’équipes et en formation
  • Maîtrise des outils de travail et de l’environnement propres aux ONG (cycle du projet, recherche de financement…)
  • Bonnes capacités rédactionnelles
  • Anglais courant indispensable et bonne capacité rédactionnelle en anglais
  • Organisation et réactivité
  • Diplomatie et capacité à communiquer
  • Ecoute, adaptabilité et capacité à travailler en équipe


  • CDI statut cadre
  • Rémunération selon grille interne
  • Mutuelle + transports remboursés à hauteur de 60% + chèques Déjeuner
  • Poste basé à Versailles, incluant des missions régulières au Malawi, au Mozambique et/ou à Madagascar

Poste à pourvoir dès que possible

La sélection des dossiers se fera au fur et à mesure de leur réception

Merci d’envoyer CV + LM sous réf. « CDS/SANTE/2021 » à


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Based in Lilongwe, Malawi

with regular visits to several intervention areas (southern and central regions)


Founded in 1980, Inter Aide is a humanitarian organisation specialising in the implementation of development programmes that aim at promoting access to development for the most vulnerable communities. The programmes respond to the specific, vital needs of local communities. Our principal objective is to reinforce the capacities of vulnerable populations in order to allow them to improve living conditions within their own communities. Inter Aide currently manages programmes in 7 countries: Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Haiti and Guinea. Programmes are based on beneficiaries’ needs and cover several fields of rural development: water and sanitation (including services for the maintenance of water points); agriculture and support to farmer’s organisations; community health (including the reduction of child mortality, sexual and reproductive health services); primary education.

Inter Aide has been operating in Malawi since 1991. To this day, this NGO and its partners have participated in 10 different programmes in the fields of agriculture, child health, water supply, sanitation and maintenance in the central and southern regions of the country.

As a management principle, Inter Aide delegates most of the responsibilities to Programme Managers (PM) based in the field, and as much as possible to local partners. PMs and local partners are in charge of the implementation of the activities as well as the human resources management and all the financial and administrative tasks.

PMs are ultimately in charge of managing their projects, but Inter Aide has identified several topics (including local representation, internal control, administration and logistics) for which a support office has been created in 2015 (called LSO for Lilongwe Support Office) in the capital city, consisting of a Senior Adviser and an Administration Manager.

Inter Aide is looking for a new Admin and Partnership Senior Adviser from November 2020. This position is by essence envisioned as a flexible and proactive support to Inter Aide programmes, and therefore requires adaptability and drive.


The Senior Adviser works in close collaboration with the sector team (Area Managers and Administrative and Financial Managers, based in France or in Lilongwe) and the Programme Managers based in the field. Through regular communications and missions in the field, his/her main functions are to:

  1. Provide flexible support to each programme on administrative, legal and logistical aspects in coordination with the Programme Managers and in close collaboration with the Malawian Administration Manager (based in the same office):
  • Monitor the administrative and immigration situation of each expatriate (visa, work permit, etc.) and manage the files with the authorities and local administrations.
  • Manage legal issues or cases of the structure and of each programme, in particular by ensuring the liaison with Inter Aide’s lawyer
  • Maintain the vehicle fleet tracking document for all programmes and support purchases and resales
  • Provide logistical support to programmes, particularly in the context of international purchases (import management) or Lilongwe purchases, in compliance with Inter Aide’s procedures and donor constraints.
  • Supporting the management of insurance contracts (team and equipment) for each programme and monitoring specific open files
  • In the event of legislative or administrative changes, support the Programme Managers in the practical implementation of the changes (new taxes, employee registration, etc.)
  • Update and complete all shared folders and reference documents (manuals, guides, etc.) to clarify the mission of LSO or simplify the work of the Programme Managers
  • Ensure the functioning of the Lilongwe office (supervision of the Administration Manager and the guards, annual budget, management of monthly fund requests for LSO, validation of the LSO monthly accounting, etc.)
  • Ensure the payment of pension funds (retirement plan) for all Inter Aide programme staff and liaise with the relevant administrations
  • Identify other possible needs for Programme Managers support or optimisation of resources, and provide the necessary support, in collaboration with the sector team.
  1. Represent the association and programmes at institutional level and identify new operational, financial and legal partners in close collaboration with the Area Managers:
  • Guarantee the legal and administrative framework of the association in the country (registration with the authorities, etc.) and ensure that the structure complies with the laws of the country
  • Represent Inter Aide and each programme in governmental or partner discussion and coordination forums (NGO Board, INGO forum, etc.) and ensure accountability (financial and operational) at this level.
  • Identify local funding opportunities as well as technical and operational partners in close collaboration with Area Managers and Programme Managers
  • Develop and maintain a network of resource persons and organisations to be contacted (directors of international and local NGOs, development actors, local authorities…)
  • Mobilise the sector team on these subjects through the reaction of exchange reports, summary files and the elaboration of concrete proposals for the structure
  1. Continue to develop the procedures and internal audit system, and guarantee the quality approach and transparency of the programmes (including those implemented by the local partner BASEDA):
  • Guarantee the minimum quality standards of the internal procedures currently in place in each programme (procurement procedures, HR management, stock management, etc.) and support the different programmes’ and local partner’s teams in their review and improvement if necessary
  • Assist in the operational implementation of the internal audit tool for each programme, according to the priority needs identified
  • Conduct annual audits or each programme resulting from the internal control system, in collaboration with the LSO Administration Manager, then support the teams in the implementation of the recommendations
  • Identify aspects presenting a major risk of fraud or legal non-compliance for the structure or a particular programme, and work on securing them with the Programme Managers and the sector team (banking risk, procurement, construction, etc.).


  • University degree in a related field (Admin/Log, management, law…)
  • Fluent English is compulsory (oral and written)
  • A professional experience in administrative and financial management, preferably in a developing country
  • Knowledge of procedures, controls and audit in similar contexts
  • Dynamism, rigor and organization skills
  • Ability to work in autonomy
  • Flexibility and proactiveness
  • Diplomacy, negotiation skills (with local authorities and partners)
  • Strong interest in field work (regular travels within programme intervention areas)


  • 1 year VSI contract, renewable
  • 1270€ per month + field allowance
  • Pension fund contribution and medical insurance
  • 1 flight return trip

Post to be filled in November 2020

Please send CV + Cover letter, with the reference MAL/ADMIN/LLW to

For more information:


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Poste basé à Lilongwe (Malawi)

Avec déplacements réguliers dans les zones d’intervention (régions centre et sud)


Inter Aide est une ONG française spécialisée dans la réalisation de programmes de développement auprès de familles particulièrement démunies. Les domaines d’action, depuis la création en 1980, sont l’accès à l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement, l’agriculture, la santé et l’appui scolaire. Ces programmes sont mis en place dans des zones rurales, particulièrement isolées, combinant forte intensité de besoins et densité de population importante, et où le contexte est suffisamment stable pour développer des actions orientées vers l’autonomie des populations à terme. Elle est aujourd’hui active dans 7 pays : Mozambique, Malawi, Ethiopie, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Haïti et Guinée. L’implication et la responsabilisation des bénéficiaires constituent la base de notre approche.

Inter Aide est présent au Malawi depuis 1991. A ce jour, l’ONG et ses partenaires mettent en œuvre 10 programmes dans les domaines de l’agriculture, la santé communautaire, l’accès à l’eau, l’assainissement et la maintenance des points d’eau, dans les régions centre et sud du pays.

L’un des principes fondamentaux d’Inter Aide est de déléguer une grande partie des responsabilités aux Responsables de Programme basés sur le terrain. Ils sont en charge de la mise en œuvre des activités, de la gestion des équipes ainsi que de la gestion administrative et financière.

Bien que les Responsables de Programme soient en charge de la gestion de leurs projets respectifs, Inter Aide a identifié plusieurs aspects (notamment administratifs, logistiques, d’audit interne et de représentation) pour lesquels un appui supplémentaire a été développé depuis 2015 à l’échelle du pays. Ils constituent les objectifs du poste de Chargé/e d’appui administratif basé au bureau de Lilongwe (appelé LSO pour Lilongwe Support Office), pour lequel Inter Aide cherche un/e remplaçant/e à partir de novembre 2020. Par définition, ce poste est envisagé comme un appui flexible et proactif aux programmes d’Inter Aide et nécessite souplesse et prise d’initiative dans sa mise en œuvre.

Mission du/de la responsable

Le/la Représentant(e) pays travaille en collaboration étroite avec l’équipe du secteur (Responsables de Secteur et Responsables administratifs et financiers, basés en France ou à Lilongwe) et les Responsables de Programme présents sur le terrain. A travers des communications et des missions régulières sur le terrain, il/elle a pour principales fonctions :

  1. Appuyer de manière flexible chaque programme sur des aspects administratifs, légaux et logistiques en coordination avec les Responsables de Programme et en binôme avec l’adjointe malawite (basée dans le même bureau) :
  • Suivre la situation administrative de chaque expatrié vis-à-vis de l’immigration (visa, permis de travail, etc.) et gérer les dossiers auprès de l’administration
  • Gérer les questions légales ou litiges de la structure et de chaque programme, notamment en assurant le lien avec l’avocat d’Inter Aide
  • Tenir à jour le document de suivi du parc de véhicules de tous les programmes et appuyer les achats et reventes
  • Fournir un appui logistique aux programmes, notamment dans le cadre d’achats en capitale ou à l’international (gestion des importations) dans le respect des procédures d’Inter Aide et des contraintes liées aux bailleurs de fonds
  • Appuyer la gestion des contrats d’assurance (équipe et équipement) de chaque programme et suivre les dossiers spécifiques ouverts
  • En cas de changement législatif ou administratif, accompagner les Responsables de Programme dans la mise en place pratique des évolutions (nouvelles taxes, enregistrement des salariés, etc.)
  • Tenir à jour et ajouter à l’ensemble des dossiers partagés ainsi que les documents de références (manuels, guides, etc.) visant à clarifier la mission du bureau LSO ou simplifier le travail des responsables de Programme
  • Assurer le fonctionnement du bureau de Lilongwe (encadrement de l’adjointe malawite et des gardiens, budget annuel, gestion des demandes de fonds mensuelles pour LSO, validation de la comptabilité mensuelle du bureau, etc.)
  • Assurer le paiement des cotisations-retraites pour l’ensemble des employés des programmes d’Inter Aide et faire le lien avec les administrations concernées
  • Identifier d’autres besoins éventuels dans l’appui aux Responsables de Programme ou l’optimisation des ressources, et apporter le soutien nécessaire, en collaboration avec l’équipe secteur
  1. Représenter l’association et les programmes au niveau institutionnel et identifier de nouveaux partenaires opérationnels, financiers et légaux en collaboration étroite avec les Responsables de secteur :
  • Garantir le cadre légal et administratif de l’association dans le pays (enregistrements auprès des autorités, etc.) et s’assurer de la conformité de la structure vis-à-vis des lois du pays
  • Représenter Inter Aide et chaque programme dans les forums de discussion et de coordination gouvernementaux ou associatifs (NGO Board, INGO forum, etc.) et assurer le rendu de compte (financier et opérationnel) à ce niveau
  • Identifier des opportunités locales de financement et de partenaires techniques et opérationnels en collaboration étroite avec les Responsables de Programme et les Responsables de secteur
  • Développer et maintenir un réseau de personnes-ressources et les organisations à contacter (directeurs d’ONG internationales et locales, acteurs du développement, autorités locales…)
  • Mobiliser l’équipe du secteur sur ces sujets à travers la réaction de comptes rendus d’échange, de fichiers résumé et l’élaboration de propositions concrètes pour la structure
  1. Poursuivre le développement du système de procédures et d’audit interne et garantir la démarche qualité des programmes (incluant ceux mis en œuvre avec le partenaire local BASEDA) :
  • Garantir les standards minimums de qualité des procédures internes aujourd’hui en place sur chaque programme (procédures d’achat, gestion des RH, gestion des stocks, etc.) et appuyer les équipes des différents programmes et partenaires locaux dans leur révision et amélioration si nécessaire
  • Aider à la mise en œuvre opérationnelle de l’outil d’audit interne à chaque programme, en fonction des besoins prioritaires identifiés
  • Conduire les audits annuels découlant du système de contrôle interne, en collaboration avec l’adjointe LSO, puis accompagner les équipes dans la mise en œuvre des recommandations
  • Identifier les aspects présentant un risque majeur de fraude ou de non-conformité légale pour la structure ou un programme en particulier et travailler à leur sécurisation avec les Responsables de Programmes et l’équipe du secteur (risque bancaire, achats, constructions, etc.)

Profil et expérience

  • Diplôme universitaire dans un domaine pertinent (formation log/admin, gestion, droit, etc.)
  • Anglais courant indispensable (oral et écrit)
  • Première expérience professionnelle en gestion administrative et financière, de préférence en pays en développement
  • Connaissances du contrôle et de l’audit de procédures dans des contextes similaires
  • Dynamisme, rigueur et sens de l’organisation
  • Capacité à travailler en autonomie
  • Flexibilité et prise d’initiative
  • Diplomatie, capacité de négociation avec les autorités gouvernementales et partenaires
  • Goût pour le terrain (déplacements réguliers dans les zones d’intervention des projets)

Statut et conditions

  • Engagement de 12 mois renouvelable
  • 1270€ par mois + allocation terrain
  • Couverture sociale complète + assurance rapatriement
  • Billet d’avion A/R en début et fin de mission + 1 A/R avion par an

Poste à pourvoir en novembre 2020

Les dossiers seront traités au fur et à mesure de leur réception

Merci d’envoyer une lettre de motivation + C.V.

sous réf. « MAL/ADMIN/LLW»


Plus d’informations sur :


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Position based in Ethiopia (SNNPR – Kembata-Tembaro Zone)


For many rural families of the mountainous Zones of Southern Ethiopia, access to safe water is still very complicated and becomes particularly critical during the dry season. Those families are then forced to travel long distances in order to fetch water (40 minutes round trip, on average), often of poor quality. This distance considerably reduces the amount of water that can be transported and consumed at household level (between 4 to 6l per day per person for all uses). The time devoted to fetch water for domestic consumption and watering animals is considerable, and relies mainly on women. In addition, communities and local institutions face difficulties to properly maintain the existing water supply infrastructures, which quality is highly variable. The number of systems there is already insufficient, but this situation is aggravated by an important number of existing water points that are not kept in working order. As a result, the pressure on functioning water points is enormous and results in long queues for users, some of whom are forced to return to fetch water in the ponds or rivers. The issue of water systems maintenance in mountainous rural areas is an acute challenge with social, technical, economical and logistic stakes.

A survey done by Inter Aide in collaboration with Water Offices in 5 Districts (Woredas) showed that more than half of the existing infrastructures (53% on average) are dysfunctional, while most of them could however be rehabilitated. This shows that the sole focus on developing adapted maintenance mechanisms could potentially contribute to double the existing water coverage. Today paradigm is that priority is given to the construction of new water points without considering i/ the existing infrastructures and ii/ the capacity of local consumers to durably manage the investments. This absence of effective maintenance services is therefore responsible for the severe deterioration of drinking water production, leading to an increase in health risks as well as in women domestic workload.


Inter Aide has been involved for more than 30 years in Ethiopia and has contributed to the construction of more than 1,500 water points serving around 450,000 users (over 90% of these water points are still functional today).

Inter Aide is today concentrating in 12 mountainous Districts in 4 Zones of the Southern Region and aims at increasing the number of functional water points by:

  • Supporting community-based associations to construct durable infrastructures, and to manage and maintain existing infrastructures
  • Supporting governmental Water Offices to acquire a good understanding of the situation in their District, allowing to define and implement rational action plans taking into account the water resources and the status of the water points of the District as a whole.

A general assessment of all water infrastructures and new potential springs have been conducted in the 12 targeted Districts of Inter Aide between 2018 and 2020. The results will be shared with the governmental offices for them to have a clear overview of the situation in their District:

  • Mapping of all infrastructures inside the District (springs capped and uncapped, pumps, reservoirs, water points, distribution boxes,…)
  • Measurement of the yield of all springs
  • Identification of the level of maintenance required for each infrastructure
  • Calculation of the water coverage of the District and identification of the areas not supplied with water
  • Identification of the areas that can be covered by existing networks through rehabilitation/extension or by new springs
  • Identification of all water user associations in charge of each water networks

All those data will help the governmental bodies, in collaboration with Inter Aide, to make a master plan to improve access to water in all the villages of the District and to manage all existing infrastructures. This master plan should then become a reference for all interventions related to water supply in the District.


This internship aims at doing a master plan for 5 mountainous Districts of Kembata-Tembaro Zone, in which Inter Aide is supporting agriculture and soil and water conservation programs, but not yet water supply programs:

For each District, the internship will be separated into 4 phases:

  • Data collection:
    • presentation of the project to governmental Water Offices
    • meeting with water user association federation of each village – list all water structures and springs
    • training and follow up of governmental technicians that will take GPS point, photo, and yield of each water structure
  • Data entry:
    • Enter data in an Access database that can export data to QGIS
    • Correction of the data – critical view of the data exported on QGIS
  • Analysis:
    • Calculation of the water coverage using QGIS
    • First proposition of the master plan: identify technical solutions (construction and maintenance) to fully cover all the inhabited areas of the District
  • Master plan:
    • Discuss the results with Government Water Office with the support of Inter Aide Senior Engineer – identification of the social constraints to take into consideration
    • Finalise the documents of the master plan to hand over to the Governmental Water Office
  • Water engineer or equivalent with educational background in water supply and rural development;
  • Educational knowledge in hydraulics with specialisation in pressurized water systems and construction
  • Good knowledge of Office, Access and QGIS,
  • Capable of critical analysis of the data
  • Field oriented, tenacity and autonomy, good physical health;
  • Able to cope with rough field conditions;
  • Rigor, good organizational skills, analytical skills;
  • Great interpersonal skills: calm, diplomacy, self-control, respect for values and cultural differences;
  • Demonstrate pragmatism and ability to cope with a heavy workload;
  • Comfortable to work in remote areas
  • Fluent English (including writing skills in English);
  • Duration : 6 months of effective presence
  • French Legal Internship Agreement with legal internship gratification (around 560€ per month)
  • Translator costs covered by Inter Aide
  • Round trip flight / Paris – Addis Ababa
  • Complete social insurance + repatriation insurance

Position to be filled by the beginning of December 2020

The selection of the files will be done as and when they are received.

Applications with a CV of more than 2 pages will not be studied.

Thank you for sending CV + Cover letter under ref. ETH/WATER/2020 at

Traditional rural Community Based Organizations Study

By | Emploi | No Comments

Explore and select the Traditional rural Community Based Organizations (TCBO) in Hadiya zone to engage on community development intervention.


Inter Aide has been implementing rural development projects for several decades, promoting community participation as one of the major stake to ensure ownership and sustainability. In this logic, Inter Aide’s agricultural field teams are working very closely with Traditional Community Based Organizations (TCBO) called Iddirs in Wolayita and Kembata Tembaro zones located in the Southern Nations Nationalities and People Region (SNNPR) of Ethiopia, relying on the legitimacy, leadership and potentiality of those TCBO to mobilise rural communities on developmental issues (for more information: Iddirs are traditional collectives established for social support and mutual assistance, and contribute to funerals, burnt houses reconstruction, transportation of critically ill patients… against the payment of a regular membership fee. Iddirs have remained unwaveringly functional for several hundreds of years and, for a family, being excluded from such a collective is a form of social death. Iddirs are well structured, their leaders are democratically elected and serve their community with dedication, and their accounts are transparent and audited. In the event of dissatisfaction, members have the right and capacity to change their leaders.

Inter Aide agriculture project explored and analysed the role, social importance and potentialities of Iddirs in Wolayita and Kembata communities and made a decisive methodological shift by integrating them in the project implementation scheme. Especially in Natural Resources’ Management intervention, which demands co-operative decisions, Iddirs’ roles were actually significant. With the support of Inter Aide, Iddirs activated some new rules directly linked with Natural Resource Management, included them in their traditional bylaws frame and applied them concretely. In the context of Kembata highlands, control of open grazing was enforced by Iddirs and gradually adopted by the community. Empowering Iddirs on Natural Resource Management led to the emergence of an ownership attitude concerning local development. Several Iddirs in Wolayita also demonstrated their capacity to manage degraded communal land rehabilitation project. Another aspect of Iddirs’ plasticity is linked with the capacity to manage common properties. This traditional skill is used to serve their community through distribution and management of agricultural inputs (like small farm tools and seeds). It should be noted that considering the predominant role of men in the Iddirs committee, so far their mobilisation has not allowed to directly strengthen the participation of women to decision-making.

Inter Aide is now preparing for scaling out its proven best practices to the neighbouring communities[1]. Hadiya will be one of major potential zones to cover. The 3-years pilot project in one woreda (district) of Hadiya zone revealed that local communities, though geographically close to Kembata and Wolayita, have their own traditional mechanisms. For instance, the Iddirs organizational system seems different when it comes to capacity, role, power and acceptance. As opposed to the neighbouring zones, there is, in the rural areas of Hadiya, a strong clan-based community organizational system competing with Iddir system. Additionally to scaling out, Inter Aide intends to better understand the role of women in traditional CBO and find a way to better involve them in decision making bodies, in all three targeted zones.

Rationale and justification of the study

In most cases, any community has its own traditional mutual aid system that may vary in terms of importance, legitimacy and power. In Ethiopia it is not common to involve them in community development interventions. However, Inter Aide past experience showed that understanding existing traditional system and taking advantage of their social capital generate effects strong enough to bring sustainable change. With the prospect of resorting to these untapped community inner organisational resources to direct them towards development interventions, Inter Aide has planned this socio-cultural study in the new project intervention zone. In this area, putting effort to understand the socio-cultural aspects from the very beginning is equally important as understanding economic and physical situation. A clear and accurate perception of the organizational context of Hadiya Zone will help to identify which organization Inter Aide will collaborate with in order to achieve the developmental goal.

An assessment mission held in February 2020 brought some highlights on cultural dimensions of the local communities. Here is our understanding for the clan of Fate in Analimo woreda:

The clan structure is the basic unit of the organization of the local society. A clan is an enlarged family extended to all descendants of the same eponymous ancestor. The main source of sovereignty derives from the power exercised over a land or a set of lands. The figure of power that embodies this sovereignty is the equivalent of a Muslim caddy, locally called Dania, whose rule extends over a territory of two kebeles (rural commune). Each and every family of the clan has to pay a yearly contribution of ETB 120 (around 4 euros) to the Dania. At a lesser level of hierarchy and territorial legitimacy, the Dania has a local representative called Washab, who exercises power over a perimeter restricted to a catchment area: 80 families in the visited case. Most of the time, they deal with issues related with collective security, penalties and fines, criminality, social violence, marriages…

A clan is therefore a group of descendants of the same lineage, from a real or mythical forefather. The matrimonial rules are based on strict exogamy, and it appears impossible to get married with a lover from the same clan, except risking banishment. There are therefore 2 ways to be a member of the clan: by birth or by marriage. It was difficult to clarify whether conversion to a religion other than Islam is permitted or not (the clan visited was Muslim, but this clan system extends to areas that are in majority protestant).

As in all the other regions, local Iddirs are present and have an organization which is precisely superimposed on the clan structure. For instance, the 80 clan families living in the visited area were also part of the same Iddir. The respective functions of each organisation are sometimes similar, with of course a hierarchy of instances which allows graduation of responses, the authority of the clan clearly exceeding that of the Iddir.

Objective of the study

The objective of this study is therefore to explore existing traditional rural community organizations in Hadiya zone, and to identify the most common type of organization in the area. Besides, understanding its position, structure, type and obligation of membership, social perception of benefits, operating system…will help to measure legitimacy to mobilise people and feasibility to engage on community development activities. A special attention should be paid to the place and role of women in relation to those organizations (as members or indirect stakeholders).

At first sight, the social legitimacy of the clan is much stronger than Iddir’s in Hadiya, the latter appearing as a mere extension of the clan. The most important area of coexistence is therefore between several clans but time was too short to speak about relationships between those organisations. In this context, the clan seems the dominant structure, territorially, culturally and politically. Moreover, recent experience in Hadiya tends to show that the adhesion of the clan authorities is a critical step in the installation of a collective dynamic in the programme implementation, to such an extent that it is legitimate to think that nothing can be done without their approval, formal or informal. Further, it might be reasonable to think that the social mobilisation will be easier in geographical areas dominated by a single clan.

The agricultural project conducted by Inter Aide mainly focuses on territories corresponding to watersheds (to address consistently the problems of erosion). Ideally, watersheds with a lesser number of clans should be preferable to places where many separate clans coexist, for reasons linked with coordination and combined mobilisation. Yet, considering a watershed, it seems difficult to believe that such a massive area is under the rule of a single clan. It is therefore extremely important to dispose of a socio-topographic diagnosis, establishing linkages between the social organisation and the territory. To reach this purpose, a combined exercise of social analysis and physical mapping could be conducted. Depending on the results of the diagnosis, the inclusion of certain watersheds in the project scope could possibly be reconsidered in cases of excessive organizational complexity or flagrant rivalry between clans.

Main steps of the study

  • Explore existing traditional community based organizations in Hadiya zone through comparative assessment;
  • Proceed to a qualitative analysis to identify best fitting types of TCBO with highest potential to engage and contribute on community development endeavour;
  • Practice interviews and group discussions with different community representatives, religious and clan leaders as well as kebele leaders, in order to explore, understand the mechanisms, structure, role and functioning of different traditional community organizations;
  • Explore the project selected watersheds and identify the existing social structures, clans and Iddirs, together with their geographic implantation
  • Analyze the links between physical and human reality and explore the relations of domination or vassalage between the different clans, their respective members and their formal or informal hierarchy over a given territory
  • Propose and set reference criterions for the selection of the most adapted community traditional organization;
  • Reviewing available literatures to understand in-depth the selected TCBO historical background, functionality and limitations.

Proposed methodology of investigation

Review of relevant documentation such as ‘’Ethiopian Iddirs Mechanisms, case study in pastoral communities in kembata and wolayita” by Thomas Leonard (see the link). Refer to other Inter Aide documents explaining how the project is operating with TCBOs, to past studies related with socio cultural and rural community organizations roles and functioning in Hadiya community, and other related community organizations system and their contributions in community development in Hadiya, SNNPR and Ethiopian context.

Determine the sample for field interview and group discussions within Hadiya zone (targeting in priority area selected by Inter Aide and the government for their topography and the severity of needs). Hadiya zone represents more than 1.7 million population with wider territorial areas classified under 13 rural and 2 town woredas. The zone is characterized by all types of agro-ecologies but dominated by mid-altitude land (‘weyna dega’) which roughly represents 68%. High altitude area (‘dega’) is about 19% and the remaining 13% represents the low altitude (‘kola’) area. Christianity (protestant) and Muslim are the major dominant religions in the zone. The determination of the sample requires considering the major classification systems of local society. Inter Aide future scaling out project will preferably work with communities residing in a range from ‘weyna dega’ to ‘dega’ (humid mid altitude to high-altitude). Thus sampling protocol will have to reflect a fair representation of these areas of the zone.

Submit and discuss the research tools, notably questionnaires and other survey materials developed by the researcher to Inter Aide head quarter chiefs for review prior to finalization.

After reaching consensus, address the survey, collect data through interviews, community conversation and focus groups, and analyse the results.

Propose a tentative mapping of the project area through transect walks so as to determine the social structures profile of each watershed, in other words the main clans and Iddirs present and structurally dominant in a given territory, with their interactions, should be performed. If necessary, in the event of forecasting too great organizational difficulties, propose alternatives in terms of watersheds.

The final draft report of the study will be presented for review to the Inter Aide field team, zonal government and community representatives.


  • Anthropology, ethnology, social sciences or geography background, ;
  • Educational knowledge in agriculture or agro-economy is a plus
  • Good knowledge of Office, (possibly QGIS),
  • Capable of critical analysis of the data
  • Field oriented, tenacity and autonomy, good physical health;
  • Able to cope with rough field conditions;
  • Rigor, good organizational skills, analytical skills;
  • Great interpersonal skills: calm, diplomacy, self-control, respect for values and cultural differences;
  • Demonstrate pragmatism and ability to cope with a heavy workload;
  • Comfortable to work in remote areas
  • Fluent English (including writing skills in English);


  • Duration : 6 months of effective presence
  • French Legal Internship Agreement with legal internship gratification (around 560€ per month)
  • Translator costs covered by Inter Aide
  • Round trip flight / Paris – Addis Ababa
  • Complete social insurance + repatriation insurance

Position to be filled by the beginning of December 2020

The selection of the files will be done as and when they are received.

Applications with a CV of more than 2 pages will not be studied.

Thank you for sending CV + Cover letter under ref. ETH/CBO/2020 at

[1] A description of the project approach is available here :

Internship – Finance and Administration

By | Emploi | No Comments

Founded in 1980, Inter Aide is a specialized in the design and implementation of development programs, for the benefit of the most disadvantaged populations, with the objective of strengthening their capacities and those of local actors in order to improve their conditions.

Present in Ethiopia since 1988, Inter Aide implement projects in the rural mountainous and populated areas of the southern region (SNNPR), mainly in the field of family farming and access to safe water

For its office in Addis Ababa, Inter Aide France is seeking an internship on Finance and Administration in order to support the organization.


  • Category: Finance, Administration, Accounting
  • Location: Addis Ababa with regular travels in the project areas located in the Southern Region, mainly Sodo town and periphery (15% of the time)
  • Under management of: Inter Aide Country Director
  • Duration: 6 months from November 2020 to February 2021

Duties and Responsibilities:

Finance/Accounting Duties

  • Follow and check the application of the internal purchase and financial procedures.
  • Encode the expenses handled into the accounting
  • Provide support to the Country director on financial/audit reports
  • Check field and Addis office accounting databases and the receipts
  • Collect funds request from the field on monthly basis;
  • Checks Addis office and field cash flows, checks cash boxes
  • Assists quarterly and annual financial reports/audits
  • Deals with suppliers and partners for invoices preparation and follows up of office expenses

Administrative duties

  • Types letters and ensure transmission
  • Prepares payroll and income tax payment on monthly basis
  • Prepares withholding tax payment when requested in collaboration with the logistician
  • Gives support to field head admins and project admins
  • Receives and make phone calls when requested

Other duties may be requested to facilitate the administrative, financial and logistic activities of the Office.


Education and/or Experiences:

  • BA degree in Accounting, Finance, Economics, or related fields – Bioforce finance and human resources training
  • Previous experience in INGO sector is a plus
  • Knowledge of logistics compliances is a plus

Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Qualities:

  • Advanced understanding of the Microsoft Office Pack and accounting software’s (high interest to work on excel)
  • Very good English language writing and speaking skills
  • Flexible and open minded
  • Well organized

Position to be filled in November 2020

The selection of applications will be done as and when they are received.

Thank you to send CV + LM under reference ETH/FINANCE/2020 to

Responsable administratif et financier

By | Emploi | No Comments

CDI basé à Versailles (78)


Inter Aide est une association spécialisée dans la réalisation de programmes concrets d’aide au développement, conduits auprès de familles particulièrement démunies. En 2019, Inter Aide gère cinquante programmes répartis dans six pays, pour un budget annuel total de 8.1 millions d’euros.

L’appui et le suivi des programmes terrains est assurée par des équipes « secteurs» – chaque secteur correspondant à une zone géographique- basées au siège. Ces équipes comprennent des Chef/fes de secteur (supervision opérationnelle et stratégique d’un certain nombre de programmes) ainsi que des Responsables Administratifs et Financiers (suivi financier des mêmes projets). Une plateforme transversale de 4 personnes leur vient en appui (coordination finances/bailleurs).

Inter Aide recherche aujourd’hui un/e Responsable Administratif et Finances (RAF) pour réaliser, en collaboration avec une Responsable Administratif et Finances basée au siège et une Responsable Administratif et Finances basée à Lilongwe, le suivi financier des programmes conduits au Malawi, au Mozambique et en Guinée Conakry (santé, eau et assainissement, agricole).


Le/la Responsable Administratif et Finances sera basé/e au siège, à Versailles. Il/elle assurera la consolidation financière et le contrôle de gestion de certains programmes basés au Malawi, au Mozambique et en République de Guinée. Il/elle participera activement au développement des financements du secteur.

Ses principales responsabilités seront les suivantes :

1. Le suivi comptable et financier

  • Traitement des comptabilités mensuelles de chaque programme
  • Réalisation de contrôles de gestion réguliers
  • Analyse des coûts et allocation des ressources
  • Gestion des envois de fonds mensuels, en concertation avec les autres RAF
  • Suivi budgétaire
  • Suivi des procédures log/RH

2. Les relations avec le terrain (responsables de programme et/ou partenaires locaux)

  • Appui à l’élaboration des budgets annuels (et plans d’achat)
  • Constitution des dossiers d’achat de véhicule
  • Formation initiale et suivi continu des responsables terrain sur le plan financier

3. Le suivi des financements institutionnels et privés

  • Préparation des rapports financiers selon le format Inter Aide
  • Elaboration des rapports financiers et des budgets aux formats des bailleurs et aux échéances contractuelles
  • Préparation des prévisions de dépenses pour les périodes en cours et à venir selon le format Inter Aide

4. Le suivi administratif des projets et l’amélioration des procédures terrain

  • Participer au suivi des dossiers administratifs et légaux en lien avec Inter Aide, les programmes et les équipes locales
  • Veille sur les procédures des projets : comptables, achats, informatiques, bancaires, etc. Optimisation et analyse du risque
  • Appuyer le/la Responsable du relais capitale ou les Responsables de programme dans l’audit interne et les procédures transversales aux projets
  • Collaborer à l’augmentation annuelle des salaires (analyse du coût de la vie, comparaisons)
  • Accompagner les ONG locales partenaires dans leur structuration administrative et financière


  • Formation Bac +4/5 en gestion, finances ou comptabilité
  • Expérience professionnelle préalable de 2 ans minimum (contrôle de gestion, audit….)
  • Excellente maîtrise d’Excel/Word (impératif) voire de logiciels spécialisés
  • Réelle motivation pour l’objet de l’association
  • Rigueur, goût pour les chiffres, capacité d’analyse financière
  • Bon relationnel, prise d’initiatives, capacité à travailler sous pression et à respecter les échéances
  • Anglais courant indispensable (oral et écrit)


  • Contrat à durée indéterminée, statut cadre
  • Poste à pourvoir à mi-temps (conditions du mi-temps à discuter)
  • Rémunération comprise entre 14 000€ à 15 500€ brut annuel
  • Participation aux frais de transports, tickets restaurants et mutuelle
  • Poste basé à Versailles

Poste à pourvoir à partir de fin septembre 2020

Merci d’envoyer C.V. + LM sous réf. RAF/MOZ/2020 à

Les CV de plus de deux pages ne seront pas étudiés.

Stagiaire « Recherche de financements »

By | Emploi | No Comments


Deux associations du groupe Inter Aide : Inter Aide (association française créée en 1980) et ATIA (association créée en 2007 et qui en est issue), conduisent dans 10 pays des projets de développement concrets visant à répondre de manière durable aux besoins primordiaux de populations particulièrement démunies.

Inter Aide intervient en milieu rural dans le domaine de l’hygiène, l’assainissement et l’accès à l’eau potable, l’amélioration et la diversification de la production agricole, l’éducation primaire et la santé (Haïti, Ethiopie, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, Malawi et Mozambique). ATIA favorise en milieu urbain l’accès à l’emploi et la formation professionnelle, aux services sociaux existants, ainsi qu’à des services financiers et non financiers (Inde, Madagascar et Mozambique).

Le budget annuel cumulé des deux associations avoisine 10,8 M€. Les financements proviennent à environ 50% d’organismes publics (tels que l’UE, AFD, Agences de l’Eau) et à 50% d’organismes privés. Aucune collecte de fonds n’est effectuée auprès du grand public.

Les activités, mises en œuvre par des responsables de programme basés sur le terrain, sont suivies depuis le siège par des équipes composées de 2 à 4 chefs de secteur (suivi stratégique et opérationnel) et de 1 à 2 responsables finances (suivi financier des programmes).


Le/La stagiaire appuiera la plateforme bailleurs sur le volet « Financements » et collaborera avec l’équipe « Plateforme ». L’équipe est composée de :

  • Une Responsable des relations partenaires et du service finances
  • Une Responsable adjointe des relations partenaires et du service finances
  • Deux coordinatrices des relations partenaires

Sa principale mission sera la recherche de financements pour les programmes :

  • Recherche de nouveaux financeurs en collaboration avec la plateforme bailleurs ;
  • Prospection de collectivités territoriales pouvant s’engager sur des projets eau-hygiène-assainissement (loi Oudin-Santini) ;
  • Réalisation de fiches-projets (via un logiciel de PAO) en lien avec les chefs de secteur et à destination des prospects ;
  • Appui à la relecture et à l’envoi des demandes de subvention.


  • Formation supérieure dans un domaine pertinent (Communication, Sciences Politiques, Relations internationales, Marketing/commerce …)
  • Connaissance du secteur de la solidarité internationale appréciée
  • Maîtrise des logiciels de bureautique – maîtrise de logiciels de PAO appréciée
  • Excellentes capacités rédactionnelles
  • Anglais courant
  • Excellent relationnel, aisance au téléphone, dynamisme
  • Flexibilité, forte implication
  • Esprit d’initiative, autonomie
  • Rigueur, organisation

Statut et conditions

  • Stage conventionné avec gratification minimale légale
  • Transports et tickets restaurants remboursés à hauteur de 60%
  • Poste basé à Versailles

Poste à pourvoir dès septembre 2020

Merci d’envoyer CV + LM – sous référence STAGE/BAIL/2020




By | Emploi | No Comments

Inter Aide (IA) is a French NGO. For 40 years, IA has been carrying out and monitoring concrete development programs in remote rural areas of six African countries and Haiti.

Since 2007, in Sierra Leone, Inter Aide has been implementing agriculture and water supply hygiene & sanitation (WASH) programs. To stimulate agricultural development, IA introduced and disseminated technical innovations to the farmers, promoted off-season vegetable gardening production and supports local farmers’ organizations to develop structuring services to their members (agricultural loans and input purchase). To foster access to safe water, IA intervenes in different complementary domains: hygiene and sanitation, construction and rehabilitation of water wells equipped with hand pumps, promotion of household water treatment, as well as a large program of hand pumps’ repairs and maintenance. The different interventions of IA in Sierra Leone are detailed on our website (

In 2020, Inter Aide is present in 4 different districts of Northern Sierra Leone (Karene, Bombali, Tonkolili and Port Loko), operates from 3 different offices (Kamakwie, Makeni and Port Loko) and counts nearly 100 local staffs. The agricultural team (20 people) is managed by a Project Manager with the support of 2 assistants, WASH activities (45 teams) by 2 Project Managers and 4 assistants. Teams are backed up by the Support Department that includes finance, administrative, logistics and guards (25 persons). The only expatriates are WASH Maintenance Project Manager and Head of Support department. Those IA projects in Sierra Leone mission are supervised by a team working at the headquarter including sectorial experts (3 persons with one more specifically in charge of Sierra Leone) and one Financial Officer. Regular missions are organised from the headquarter on the field (4 mission per year).

Inter Aide programs in Sierra Leone are financed by several donors including public donors such as the French Agency for Development (AFD), European Union, decentralized agencies (French Water Agencies) as well as private donors. Fund raising, communication on projects, reporting to donors is coordinated by the Headquarter (HQ)

Considering the growing number of projects in Sierra Leone, Inter Aide is looking for an experienced person, committed and motivated to take the lead on the operational coordination, project strategic support and Inter Aide representation in Sierra Leone mission. It is a new position in the organigram. As specific support and coaching are needed for the agriculture project, Inter Aide is looking for a person who has a good background and experience in tropical agriculture.

He / she will be based in Makeni with frequent travels to the project sites (Karene, Bombali, Tonkolili, Port Loko), as well as Freetown. He / she will report directly to the Sector Heads based in Versailles. The main responsibilities of the Program Coordinator and Representative will be as following

1) Support and train the Program Managers, their Assistants and their teams to better manage their projects thanks to more anticipation and organization.

  • Train the Project Managers in the use of organisational tools and programs, outlook, excel, file management, backup;
  • Ensure activities, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) logistics and reporting plans are implemented on time and accordingly;
  • In coordination with the Support Department, Support the Project Managers in logistic aspects especially in the anticipation and respect of donor procedures: formulation of purchase plans and procurements, preparation and follow up of stocks and donations tracking;
  • Support PMs in improving team management (delegation of tasks, team organization and dimension, staff evaluations, etc.);
  • In coordination with the Support Department, assist the Project Managers in the vehicle fleet management, safety and security of IA teams, assets and premises

2) Ensure an operational monitoring of projects and program at SL field level

  • Support PM, their Assistants and their teams in the implementation of their projects;
  • Support the managers in monitoring and evaluation including identification of indicators, design of M&E planning and organization of data collection (forms, timetable, trainings, and processing);
  • Continuously analyse the performances of the projects with the managers and in coordination with the sector heads in order to improve the impact, the diffusion and the sustainability of projects;
  • Take part in knowledge management and experience sharing.

3) Jointly with Sector Heads, ensure Inter Aide’s representation to institutions, donors and partners

  • Identify, design and articulate, with PM and HQ, the strategic orientations of the programs;
  • Take part in fund raising for ongoing programmes : writing of proposal, preparation of budgets;
  • Ensure reporting to HQ and communicate with donors on projects outputs and perspectives;
  • Organize donors, evaluators, experts and audits missions and assume IA’s representation.

4) Programs representation and advocacy, coordination, promotion and diffusion to Sierra Leonean stakeholders and partners

  • Support the PM in developing institutional capacities to gradually take over the supervision of the key activities (Water Directorate for the monitoring and supervision of the maintenance activities, Ministry of Agriculture for the support of farmers’ organisations…);
  • Advise on and supervise the implementation of actions with local partners and other stakeholders (decentralized public services of the government, international and local NGOs …);
  • Collaborate with Sierra Leonean Government (District Councils, District Agencies of Water and Agriculture; National Line Ministries), with INGO and national organizations. Participate in key sectorial meetings with the institutional representatives (jointly with the PM);
  • Contribute to knowledge and experience sharing in agricultural and WASH sector in Sierra Leone;
  • Advocate at national level for Yearly Preventive Maintenance Strategy, the review of new WASH national guidelines and policies including maintenance, the promotion of horticultural value chain and support to family farming.

5) Financial, administrative and logistics

  • Work in close collaboration with Head of Support Department;
  • With the Head of Support Department , the Finance Officer and the Heads of Sector supervise and control projects’ expenditures, prepare activities budget with the Managers and IA HQ;
  • Validation of monthly and quarterly fund requests linked with activities;


  • Advanced education in a relevant topic (agriculture, forestry, rural development…);
  • Experience of 2 years minimum in project and team management compulsory, preferably in developing countries;
  • Proven experience in monitoring and evaluation tools, as well as in database management;
  • Negotiation and relational skills: diplomacy, self-control, respect for cultural alien values;
  • Field oriented, tenacity, flexibility and autonomy, able to cope with rough field conditions;
  • Coaching ability and analytical skills;
  • Fluent English (including writing skills) & good level of French appreciated;
  • Car driving licence;
  • Off-road Motorbike riding skills would be a big +


  • 2 years contract minimum
  • Between 1200€ and 1300 € net monthly salary + field allowance
  • Full health insurance + repatriation insurance
  • 1 round trip flight at the beginning and the end of the mission + 1 round trip flight per year

Position to be filled as soon as possible – ideal start of mission early September 2020

The selection of applications will be done as and when they are received.
Thank you to send CV + LM under reference SL/DP/2020 to