2. Focus at Bombali district level

WD Bombali

        Collaboration and capacity building initiated :

1. Inter Aide provided support to the Water Directorate of Bombali for water quality analysis: trainings on bacteriological analysis procedures, evaluation of the maintenance and respect of standards for the laboratory .

2. The Water Directorate of Bombali district and Inter Aide were jointly organizing monthly coordination meetings before the Ebola crisis. It restarted with Unicef in June 2015 who is now supporting the WD in the same direction. The objective is to provide support in terms of:

  • methodology to facilitate the monitoring of partners activities and to improve overview of the WaSH situation in the district – i.e. defining clear meetings’ agenda, ensuring participation of all actors, improving actors’ reporting by introduction of common indicators and templates …
  •  Those meetings are also opportunities to develop dissemination of good practices in terms of construction by bringing forward a specific time in the agenda to discuss of technical questions between participants based on the ministry’ guidelines (water analyses, standards in construction, yield test for well construction…)

3. Organization of joint monitoring missions : a rotation between actors has been set up to allow on-site visits of constructions and activities in order to facilitate exchange of good practices.