Mozambique - WASH

3 programmes
5,952 beneficiary families in 2023


Improve the health conditions of rural families and reduce the prevalence of diarrheal diseases in children under 5 years of age.

Intervention areas

  • North of the country : Memba and Nacala districts in Nampula province


  • Organize community awareness workshops, including in schools, to improve family hygiene knowledge and practices
  • Support rural communities to construct and rehabilitate protected water points (wells and boreholes) and build family latrines
  • Strengthen the capacity of local actors and enable them to ensure the sustainability of structures
  • Strengthen the knowledge and skills of village committees and train them in the management and maintenance of structures
  • Set up water points maintenance services: pumps spare parts dealers and local craftsmen
  • Support the OSUWELA cooperative in tracking pump repairers and supporting spare parts dealers
  • Strengthen the capacity of government water officials to monitor the maintenance of water points


  • Village committees, public water utilities, local private operators (pumps spare parts dealers and craftsmen);
  • Private supplier of spare parts: the local company SkyTech.
Our other WASH programs:

Our other programs in Mozambique: