Madagascar - WASH

6 programmes
12,219 beneficiary families in 2023


Improvement of access to safe drinking water and sanitation for vulnerable populations, through the involvement on a sustainable basis of the Rural Communes and the users.

Intervention areas: East coast and South of the country, North of Antanarivo – regions:

  • Analanjirofo: Vavatenina and Fénérive Est districts (partnership with Soakoja)
  • Atsimo-Atsinanana: Farafangana district
  • Vatovavy-Fitovinany: Manakara and Vohipeno districts (partnership with Tehyna)
  • Analamanga: Manjakandriana and Ambohidratrimo districts


  • Establish partnership agreements with the Rural Communes and support them in the concerted definition of their drinking water and sanitation needs
  • Sensitize users to adopt appropriate hygiene and sanitation practices (latrines)
  • Support Rural Communes and communities in the construction and management of structures
  • Support the establishment of management, monitoring and maintenance services for existing structures (source and well catchments) provided on behalf of the communes by professional non-profit contractors (local NGOs Tehyna and Soakoja).


  • The malagasy NGOs TEHYNA and SOAKOJA ;
  • Rural communes, regional directorates for water, sanitation and hygiene.
Our other WASH programs:

Our other programs in Madagascar: