Links and biblio

Piloted by Inter Aide, it aims at compiling and exchanging information and experiences on programs of development, methods, tools that appeared usefull on the field.
Pratiques english
Several notes (in French or English) are related to WASH sector. Some of them are directly coming from the experiences of program managers based in Sierra Leone, but there are also a lot of information from other countries which can be adapted.

This site provides resources for WASH actors working in Sierra Leone. You can access useful information and documentation and share relevant experiences in order to better inform policy and practice.
It is supported by Government of Sierra Leone, Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Health & Sanitation and DFID Sierra Leone WASH Support Programme.

An advocacy  independent national platform which seeks to ensure that the diverse voices of citizens with respect to WASH are represented and heard in the development and implementation of sector related plans and policies.

RWSNThe Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN) is the global network of professionals and practitioners working to raise standards of knowledge and evidence, technical and professional competence, practice and policy in rural water supply and so fulfil the vision of sustainable rural water services for all. RWSN places a very strong emphasis on innovation, documentation, research and capacity building. It achieves its objectives by catalysing innovation, providing evidence-based documentation, supporting research, sharing information, influencing policies and practices, supporting efforts to build capacity and facilitating networking. by the French government in 1984, pS-Eau is non-profit organisation working towards universal access to water and sanitation. To deliver this aim, pS-Eau is organised into three areas: 1/ Research and Development; 2/ Back-up Support ; 3/Promoting International Solidarity Mechanisms for Water: Shares information on, discusses and campaigns for universal access to water and sanitation, works to increase commitments and funding to the sector and facilitates debates on sector issues.
A lot of documents and tools related to WASH sector are also available on line on their databases.

AFD_rvb_v2Agence Française de Développement (AFD) is a financial institution and the main implementing agency for France’s official development assistance to developing countries and overseas territories.

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