Photo: Khuzi village clinic building constructed jointly by community members and Inter Aide
On the 12th November 2014 the first village clinic constructed with assistance from Inter Aide was handed over to the government at Khuzi. Khuzi is the most remote part of the Katchale Health Center catchment area.
The building includes a small house for Mr. Banda, the Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA) with an attached clinic room and waiting area. Community members donated their time to mold bricks and to bring sand and quarry stones to the construction site. Inter Aide provided the iron sheets, cement, wood, fittings and skilled labor. This activity was part of the 2014 Memorandum of Understanding between all the project stakeholders.
Previously Mr. Banda used to travel to Khuzi two days per week to treat sick children under five years old who had common illnesses, including malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia. Now that he is living in the community he will be available to treat sick children any day of the week. The building will also be used for vaccinations, growth monitoring and family planning services.
Photo: Mr. Banda treating sick children before the new village clinic opened.