Malawi - Health

2 programmes
12,628 beneficiary families in 2021


The project aims at reducing the number of children under five years of age who are sick or die from a preventable or easily treatable disease through the following specific objectives:

  • Increase the number of children who are screened and treated for the most common diseases (malaria, diarrhea, respiratory infections, malnutrition, etc.)
  • Increase the number of households using preventive measures (mosquito nets, latrines, hand washing, etc.)
  • Reduce the number of complications related to pregnancy and maternity by increasing and improving pre- and post-natal care, assisted deliveries, and family planning

Intervention areas

  • Center Region: Lilongwe District (Mitundu Health Area: Katchale, Maluwa, Dickson, Chiunjiza and Chiwosa Health Centres) and Mchinji District (Gumba, Fanuel, Chimwamkango Health Centres)
  • South Region: Phalombe District (Nambazo, Kalinde, Nazombe Health Centres and Waruma and Nambiti Health Posts)

These areas cover a total population of around 300,000 people.


Strengthen the knowledge and practices of local actors (parents in the first place, village health committees and government health workers) to prevent, identify and manage prevalent pathologies in children under 5 years of age:

  • Conduct mortality and behaviour surveys, select communities, report results and involve local leaders
  • Organize training workshops to improve knowledge of families and induce changes in behavior
  • Promote the emergence of representative and recognized village groups and support them in the implementation of concrete prevention actions (hand washing, latrine construction, diffusion of insecticide-treated nets, etc.).

Support the local health system for the establishment of primary care services:

  • Establish a contractual approach with the government’s health services so that the project’s actions are integrated into the planning of each district (decentralized services)
  • Train and accompany government health workers to enable early access to treatment at different levels (health post, mobile clinics, village clinics)
  • Provide logistical support to health facilities through building (or rehabilitation) of essential infrastructure and donations of equipment.
  • Detect as soon as possible malnourished children


  • Village health committees and local authorities
  • Malawi Public Health Service (District Health Offices and healthcare personnel)
Our other Health programs:

Our other programs in Malawi: