Inter Aide (IA) is a French NGO. For 40 years, IA has been carrying out and monitoring concrete development programs in remote rural areas of six African countries and Haiti.
Since 2007, in Sierra Leone, Inter Aide has been implementing agriculture, WASH and health (discontinued) programs. To promote agricultural development, IA introduces and diffuses technical innovations to the farmers and supports local farmer organizations to develop structuring services to their fellow members (agricultural loans and input purchase). To foster access to safe water IA has a large scope of intervention that includes hygiene and sanitation, building and rehabilitation of wells, promotion of household water treatment and an ambitious program of repairs and maintenance of hand pumps. IA interventions in Sierra Leone are detailed on our website (
In 2020, Inter Aide is present in 4 different districts of Northern Sierra Leone (Karene, Bombali, Tonkolili and Port Loko) and operates from 3 different bases (Kamakwie, Makenia and Port Loko). IA team in Sierra Leone counts nearly 100 people including 3 expatriates. Until recently, Project Managers were assuming all tasks related to the implementation of their respective projects but the increase of activities and the recent geographical extension of both agricultural and access to safe water programs required the creation of a Support Department gathering logistic and administration. This Support Department is gradually assuming responsibilities that were so far assigned to project teams. New procedures, new communication canals, new tools, news documentation are put in place. The Logistic Coordinator supports the Head of Support Department to improve the efficacy, the efficiency and the quality of the work of the 3 logistic teams.
He/She works under the responsibility of the Head of Support Department and works in close collaboration with the Project Managers. He/She assists the Head of Support Department to define and implement efficient logistic organization for Inter Aide Sierra Leone. He/she is the guarantor of compliance with logistics rules and procedures and is responsible for the coordination of logistics on the 3 bases. He/she provides the best possible support to the programs. The logistic coordinator also has functional links with the Finance Officer and the Heads of Sector of IA HQ based in Versailles.
The position is based in Makeni – Bombali district but will requires frequent movements to Kamakwie – Karene District and Port Loko – Port Loko district.
Team management
- Review the different positions of the logistic teams (logistic officer, logistic assistant, store keeper, mechanic, driver, security guard) ie specify and improve the job descriptions and responsibilities and take part to evaluations in order to support the Head of Support Department to define efficient and operational logistic team for each base;
- Daily manage and supervise the logistics teams and insure good collaboration with administrative staff and operational teams (briefing, planning, follow-up, on spot training);
- Train and capacitate the logistic teams on tools and procedures for more professionalism, autonomy and efficiency;
- Take part actively to any logistic recruitment if required;
- Prevent and manage potential situations of fraud and corruption at IA SL level.
Stock and assets management
- Complete diagnosis of IA stock management system (including premises, procedures of storage, withdrawing and goods tracking, required documentations, approvals and responsibilities);
- Ensure the consolidation of the inventory of equipment and fixed assets at the mission level;
- Propose pragmatic, efficient, quick and cheap solutions to improve the storage management and assets inventory;
- With logistic and operational teams, ensure stock tracking for reporting purpose to donors (design and implementation of tools);
- Elaborate monitoring and communications tools and/or procedures between logistics and project managers for better stock and assets management.
Supervision and oversight of procurements in close collaboration with PM
- Support the project managers in developing their procurement plans;
- Take part, supervise and control procurement ensuring the respect of IA procurement procedures (writing and advertising of procurement, reception of bids, selection of supplier, writing of purchase or service contract);
- Monitor and control the framework contracts;
- Control the updating of the price list and order tracking;
- Design and update supplier database.
Vehicle fleet management
The Inter Aide Sierra Leone vehicles flee is composed by 6 cars and 54 motorbikes in the three bases.
- Support the logistic team and the project managers in implementing a efficient vehicle use and movement planning;
- Define maintenance and upkeep standards, instructions and procedures for all kind of vehicle;
- Improve fuel consumption follow up;
- Improve the organization of maintenance spare part purchase and simplify the accountancy operations required;
- Improve the monitoring tools for maintenance of all vehicles according to standards;
- Insure good communication tools between logistics and project managements for monthly control and approvals.
IT management and staff computing trainings
- Control and ensure adequate use as well as proper and timely maintenance of the IT assets of the mission (computers, printers and scanners, internet provider devices);
- Train the logistic teams on the different excel tools put in place for efficient fulfillment of their respective tasks;
- Organize IT trainings for all IA SL team on basics computing skills such as emails, agendas and synchronization with smartphone;
- At project level, ensure the PM and his/her assistants are using a similar directory structure for efficient data organization;
- Put in place and organize regular back-up organization of all computers (on external hard drives or clouds according to needs and feasibility);
- Support and supervise the Access to Safe Water data processor in efficient data management and information sharing.
IA premises
- Proper management and maintenance of IA premises;
- Assess and improve energy set up of the 3 bases (public network, solar and generators)
- Reorganize the storage facilities in order to ease movement, save space, improve security and be more efficient.
- Find cheap solutions to fix any issues/malfunctions on assets.
Operational safety and security management
- Assess the safety (integrity of persons) and security (integrity of goods) in the three bases of Inter Aide Sierra Leone in order to suggest and implement improvements;
- Participate in the updating of the mission and bases security plans;
- Inform and train the teams and make sure safety and security procedures are implemented throughout the mission.
- Degree or relevant experience in logistic, finance, economic, accounting, human resources management or other field related to the support services – Bioforce Diploma;
- Previous experience as an administrator or logistician appreciated;
- Previous team manager experience highly appreciated;
- Previous experience in developing countries appreciated;
- Demonstrated communication and organizational skills;
- Complete autonomy on Word and Excel, minimum network knowledge
- Substantial experience of strategic thinking: identifying, analyzing, problem solving, responding to opportunities and challenges, ability to translate into practical plans of action
- Proven ability to work creatively and independently both in the field and in the office;
- Advanced proficiency in written and spoken English.
- 1 years volunteer contract (French legal status: Volontariat de Solidarité Internationale)
- 800 allowance per month + 200 field allowance
- 1 round trip flight beginning and end of mission – no flight paid by IA during the year
- Full social insurance + repatriation insurance
Position to be filled in May/June 2020 as soon as the Covid19 crisis is over
The selection of applications will be done as and when they are received.
Thank you to send CV + LM under reference SL/LOG/MAK to