Inter Aide is looking for:

Program manager in agriculture development – community service for poultry vaccination

Nathenje, Malawi

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Application for the positions listed above, as well as speculative / internship applications have to be sent to:

Being a Programme Manager (PM) with Inter Aide means:

– a Technical Expertise dedicated to concrete development programmes
– Managing all the aspects of a project: from needs identification and analysis, to the design and follow-up of the project, the team management, logistic issues, finance management, partnership coordination and reporting…
Autonomy and responsibilities: the PM is the only referent on the field, she/he is supported to take initiatives and to be proactive
A field mission: the PMs are where the needs are and are working closely with the beneficiaries
Adjustment to the local context: moral commitment for a minimum of two years
– Family or couple expatriation is possible
– Always looking for pragmatic and efficient options adapted to the beneficiaries’ needs

Consultancies for Inter Aide

No request for consultancy for now.

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Atia's job opportunities

Following Inter Aide’s mindset, ATIA specialised in the implementation of development programs in urban areas and is currently looking for a:

  • Donor relationship coordination, Versailles – France
  • Tecnical adviser socio-economic insertion, Manakara-Madagascar

To learn more about ATIA: