Knowledge management and sharing experience
Since the beginning, Inter Aide constantly analyses its approaches and methods in a pragmatic way, in order to improve its actions and their effects. In 1995, the “Pratiques” network was created, bringing together several organizations, including Inter Aide, ESSOR and ATIA, who share the same willingness to consolidate and enhance the benefits of their experience.
Such initiatives are still going on and are valued:
– Through the sharing of technical notes, capitalization documents and tools that have proven effective, via the “Pratiques” website, via thematic blogs linked to actions undertaken in a country, or by disseminating this knowledge on other specialized networks,
– Through the concrete sharing of methods between project managers and other organizations, directly on the ground.
Inter Aide is membership of the Groupe Initiatives, Coordination Sud, F3E and pS-Eau.
Some learning are exchanged with WASH platforms and documents are published on their websites: pS-Eau, RWSN, Ran’Eau (Madagascar), Wesnet (Malawi).