Crédit photo : Lucie Carlier

Our local partners

⇒ The projects are above all partnerships with the beneficiary population: the interventions address clearly identified needs that emanate from the communities themselves and that are then specified through the technical diagnoses of the teams. Throughout the duration of project, the involvement of the beneficiaries is paramount as a guarantee of their commitment and of the sustainability of the project.
Specific collaborations are forged with community groups that act as relays or contact points for the rest of the village, such as associations of farmers, committees or unions of users, parents committees, traditional chiefs and village leaders, health workers, women’s groups or groups of local artisans and technicians.

⇒ Inter Aide collaborates with public bodies and the representatives of ministries for every sector concerned. The aim is to help foster an effective coordination of the work of the parties involved. Wherever possible, we seek to reinforce the capabilities of public bodies such as ministries of supervision and their local representatives, district authorities, municipal authorities, health centers etc., to monitor activities.
We aim to promote links and complementarities between the public and private sectors whenever the context makes it feasible and appropriate.

⇒ When the context is favorable and in cases where it is pertinent, Inter Aide works with local organizations as operational partners (such as local NGOs, companies or cooperatives).
Our ambition is to create parties capable of extending and sustaining our actions in the future and to render them independent. The support we provide to these local operational partners aims to professionalize them in their area of expertise, strengthen their methodologies and help them secure the necessarily finances to launch other similar projects themselves.


  • RCBDIA : Rural Community Based Development Initiative Association

    An Ethiopian Association created in 2006, RCBDIA aims to improve the food security of vulnerable rural populations and to support and train local institutions and communities. It works in the field of rural development (agriculture, organizational support), access to drinking water and installation of maintenance systems for hydraulic works. RCDBIA has been working with Inter Aide since 2007 in the fields of water (mainly on the training of Water Offices and federations of users and the implementation of maintenance systems) and agriculture.
  • Institutional partners

    – Health, Water and Agriculture Ministry
    – Water Boards
    – Hydraulic Agents
    – Health extension workers
    – Micro-Finance institutes, and progressively private masons formed by the project
    – Woreda and target areas agriculture services
  • Users committees

    – Users committees
    – Iddirs
    – Farmers groups


  • The Fagnimbogna peasant federation

    It includes 35 producer unions (about 1,000 members). Established in 2009, it is the main peasant organization in the Southeast. It assists the Unions in their development, organizes and represents the producers, facilitates their contact with the various players in the sector.
  • Tehyna

    since 2012 Inter Aide collaborates with the local association Tehyna in the district of Manakara (south-east) to support the maintenance of drinking water points in collaboration with local authorities (WASH regional directorate, municipalities).
  • Soakoja
    is a local NGO, created in 2019, which intervenes in the Analanjirofo region (Northeast), districts of Vavatenina and Fénérive to support rural communes in the monitoring and maintenance of water points. 

    Inter Aide started collaborating with the CITE NGO in 2017 on a project to improve access to drinking water in the Analamanga region, to capitalize on this experience, and to disseminate through the network ran’eau in particular.
  • Finaritre cooperative

    The Finaritre cooperative, set up in Manakara in 2016, seeks to improve the conditions of farmers in the region by providing them upstream and downstream services in connection with the Fagnimbogna federation.

    The SAHI NGO located in Manakara to deliver social and financial services, is a technical partner to facilitate access to credit for members of the federation and cooperatives Fagnimbogna.
  • Institutional partners

    – Malagasy Ministries and decentralized Institutions of Health, Water, Agriculture, Education, and Regional Water Sanitation and Hygiene Directorates
    – Rural Communes and municipal teams in the intervention districts.
    – The health services of the districts of Manakara and Farafangana and the health workers (HC) and CSB chiefs of these districts.
    – Ran’eau network members
    – European Union delegation in Madagascar
    – Agence Française de Développement in Antananarivo an the French Embassy in Madagascar
  • Community partners

    – User committees (water) and farmers’ organizations
    – Traditional leaders
    – Women’s groups
    – Health committees
    – Village health workers


  • BASEDA : Basic Services Development Agency

    A Malawian NGO founded in 2004, BASEDA supports a network of maintenance services for protected water points (wells, boreholes equipped with manual pumps) based on spare parts dealers and trained craftsmen. BASEDA follows these operators in the districts of Lilongwe, Dedza and Ntcheu in the center of the country and through its local branch -TIMMS- in the districts of Zomba, Mulanje, Chiradzulu, Machinga and Thyolo (South of the country). This represents nearly 60 partner shops, 220 artisans able to intervene on about 12,500 water points.
  • Newcastle Disease Vaccination Associations

    Three vaccine associations have been established as part of the Newcastle Disease Control Project (NDCP). These associations are independent. They record vaccination requests and order the corresponding number of vaccines upstream of each vaccination campaign. They are made up of sub-associations of community-based vaccinators based closest to families using the vaccination services.
  • Institutional partners

    Ministries responsible for supervision. The project teams work closely with the ministries on which they depend, particularly the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, the Ministry of Water and the Ministry of Health. These ministries are involved in projects, from the selection of priority areas to the implementation of actions, in particular through the strong involvement of their field agents (HSA – health workers, WMA – hydraulic technicians, AEDO – agricultural agents).
  • Community partners

    – Village committees
    – Women’s groups
    – Networks of handpump repairers and spare parts dealers and shopkeepers


  • Institutional partners

    – Health public services
    – Water public services
  • Private partners

    – OSUWELA: a local cooperative created in 2014 by a former Inter Aide member, working in the fields of water and sanitation. Until 2020, OSUWELA was a partner of Inter Aide for the implementation and supply of spare parts for water point maintenance services in several districts. The cooperative now intervenes as an ad hoc provider for the reinforcement of these services (training/promotion).
    – Pump repairers, spare parts dealers and private suppliers (including the company SKYTECH).
  • Community partners

    – Village committees
    – Hand pumps repairers and spare parts dealers

Sierra Leone

  • Good Heart Farmers

    Good Heart Farmers a producer organization created in 2011 and currently composed of 383 people. It has become in a few years a strong player in the onion sector (currently under construction) in Karene district, providing its members with technical advice, access to inputs and access to finance through bank loans.
  • Institutional partners

    – Agriculture Ministry
    – National Water Directorate and local Water Directorate of Bombali, Karene, Port-Loko and Tonkolili
    – Local and traditional authorities at the district level, chiefdom and section levels
  • Community partners

    – Users committes
    – Pump repair technicians
    – Farmers Based Association, a group of farmers grouped in the CBO (community based association) Good Heart Farmers


  • ACDED (Action for Sustainable Development)

    ACDED is a Haitian association created by Cantave Saint-Louis (agronomist, responsible for the Marigot agricultural program from 1987) and some of his colleagues. The association works in the South-East of Haiti in the areas of health, water, education and agriculture, with a focus on the adequate and sustainable management of resources. IA and ACDED have been partners in a project to strengthen the skills and capacities of local groups in 4 departments and covering the period 2007-2009. Following the earthquake of 12 January 2010, ACDED and IA were again partners on a new recovery and rehabilitation project until 2013.
  • Concert-Action (Concertation and Action for Development)

    Concert-Action is a Haitian association, created by Anthony Eyma (agronomist, former head of the Palmes-Delatte sector for IA until 1997) and some of his colleagues . Created in 1998, Concert-Action intervenes in the field of rural development, agriculture and community health, in consultation with organized, mobilized and reliable local groups. Since its creation, Concert Action has maintained close relations with Inter Aide. Between 2007 and 2009, a project to strengthen the skills and capacities of the local groups, comprising 7 actions out of 4 departments, allowed mutual interactions and support between the two organizations, particularly in the implementation of activities focusing on primary health ( Structuring and training of health committees), but also in the field of access to drinking water (training of local animators and artisans, sharing of teaching materials and management tools). Concert Action and IA were then partners on a new project to relaunch a development dynamic following the earthquake of January 12, 2010. The partnership focused on the revival of primary schooling and the rehabilitation of drinking water networks In the municipalities of Petit Goave and Grand Goave, but also on the creation of skills within Concert Action to launch and follow projects to support schooling. This was realized by the launch in 2013 of a schooling project by Concert Action south of Petit Goave, in the commune of Côtes de Fer. This project is the subject of a partnership between the two associations to further strengthen Concert Action in steering actions.
  • OKPK (Oganis for Kore Pwojè Kominotè)

    OKPK is a Haitian association, set up in 1998 by Inter Aide as part of its repositioning in external support. It gradually gained skills and autonomy. In June 2005, the local organization took over the primary schooling programme support carried out until then by Inter Aide in the chain of Cahos. Inter Aide’s direct support was completed in August 2010. OKPK and IA were then partners in a project to relaunch a development dynamic following the earthquake of January 12, 2010, a project that Completed in 2013. OKPK is now autonomous at the operational level and sufficiently experienced to position itself as a full partner.
  • Institutional partners

    – National Education and vocational training Ministry (MENFP)
    – Water and Sanitation National Directorate (DINEPA)
  • Community partners

    – Village committees and families
    – Parents committees

Inter Aide is an active member of the CLIO (Inter NGO Liaison Framework) in Haïti.