8 programmes in 4 countries
28,784 beneficiary families in 2023
For over 20 years, Inter Aide has been developing effective, efficient and reproducible health intervention strategies in the isolated rural areas where we usually work. Such places are characterized by an aggressive infectious environment (huge burden of malaria, diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections), a low education level among families and children caretakers and chronic deficiencies on the healthcare system (long distance between health facilities, staff absenteeism, drug and supplies stock-outs, etc.). Accordingly, the main health indicators are usually catastrophic (high children and women mortality, high morbidity of infectious diseases) and healthcare delivery is too scarce.
Inter Aide strategies attempt to develop a high quality local healthcare delivery system, to increase service demand for essential care and to improve prevention practices in households. Inter Aide’s role is to act as an intermediary between rural and isolated population and a centralised health system. Our strengths are to develop and pilot a variety of sensitization methods adapted to each context, to have a strong field presence as close as possible to the end beneficiaries and finally to deploy a pragmatic and flexible support to each health care system. These have allowed us to implement relevant programs to improve children and women’s health status in several countries.
These principles are translated on the field through health programs tackling diverse topics depending on the context: child health (including the reduction of under 5 mortality), maternal health, control of great endemics (such as malaria) and waterborne diseases, reproductive health and family planning.
Inter Aide is currently conducting health programs in Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique and Guinea.
Latest article on health on the network “Pratiques”
Les actions de lutte contre la mortalité infanto-juvénile à Madagascar (et en Sierra Leone) (in French)
Inter Aide added value:
⇒ Broaden the scope of competences that intermediary players have for the main children and women health issues, in order to strengthen and materialise local health policies.