A practical guide has been developed by the team in SIerra Leone for the Field Facilitators working with villages’ members for the organisation of the management and maintenance of their water system. This guideline provides some illustrated resources to help them preparing and conveying training and animations.
Refers to the following link for all related documents : www.interaide.org/pratiques/content/manual-water-committees-training-sierra-leone-tool-eng-0?language=en
The first general document is a general presentation of the tool with reminds of mains steps: www.interaide.org/pratiques/sites/default/file/presentation_outil_formation_comites_eau_sept_14.pdf
- A first session is dedicated to the explanation of what is practically meant by pump maintenance and pump repair.
- Then, a second session focuses on the Water Committee, with a presentation of the role and responsibility expected for each member. Role plays are proposed to help them better addressing common practical situations.
- Finally, a last part concerns regular maintenance operations that are usually done by a pump caretaker – see also how women are integrated into this position.

Role play: a water committe member has to pick a card representing one specific positon among the committee and she/he will have to act according to this position and the scenarios the team are creating for the game.
The full guide is available here: www.interaide.org/pratiques/sites/default/files/final_guide_v2_0.pdf