Author Archives: Mathieu

Visit in Kansuron of officials and other communities interested by HHWT

Kansuron is a small community (55 people – 10 pots) near Kamakwie. It is one of the first community where has been launched the HHWT approach, in 2012.

In July 2015 a visit has been organised where representatives of similar small communities from the south of the district of Bombali, near Makeni, have been invited to see how the people of Kansuron are managing to chlorinate their water every morning for each household and then how they organize themselves to get money to refill their stock of chlorine.

At the same visit, were present people from Freetown such as Mr. Sam Goba, engineer of the Water Directorate, Miss Doris Bah the WaSH coordinator from the Ministry of Health, as well asĀ  M. Kandeh, assistant program manager of the Water Directorate of Bombali dt.

Trainees in charge of the chlorination are doing a demonstration




Mr. Sam Goba (left), explaining the importance of maintenance and safe clean water, in front of the improved water source


Miss Doris (center), taking the opportunity to emphasize on the importance of washing hands




Water committees trainings

The seven chiefdoms initially targeted have been completed end of July 2014 with a total of 345 water committees trained across 309 adopting villages. In total, 381 villages have been visited but only 81% of them accepted the strategy. Hereinafter the results per chiefdom for this activity:wc training


* Villages with at least one well with hand pump

The table below shows the progression of the same results per year:evol wc training

The preventive maintenance strategy

The maintenance program conducted in Bombali district intends to support the communities doing a first reparation of their pump, in order to restore their system to normal standards, and to then enter in a dynamic of preventive maintenance. For that, the program encourages the communities to organise and to raise contributions from the water users for the first repair and the maintenance of their pump. The program facilitates the understanding of the notion of maintenance, reinforce the skills of a Water Committee (when existing), train a local pump caretaker for the regular maintenance of the pump head, and link the community with private operators. After a first reparation of the pump, the objective is to enable yearly preventive maintenance of the systems, paid by the users and operated by competent private Pump Officers. These private actors are trained and homologated by the Water Directorate.


Exchanges between Ethiopia, Malawi and Sierra Leone on hand pumps maintenance

Training on India mark pump led by our program manager from Sierra Leone to the team in Ethiopia.

Field visits and exchanges have been organized between Inter Aide’s project managers from Ethiopia, Malawi and Sierra Leone in December 2012 to discuss about maintenance, especially of hand pumps.

Everybody learned from each other and it was the opportunity to discover differents contexts, the different activities related to each programs, and solutions each programs developped.

The main topics of these two weeks were:

  • Technical training on India mark pumps maintenance
  • Opportunities to integrate in Ethiopia the maintenance of hand pumps into the current program dedicated to gravity systems maintenance,
  • Visit of spare parts shops and maintenance of Afridev pumps in Malawi

See a more detail report on the following link:

Water committees 2

Water committees


Rehabilitation of hand-dug wells: diagnostic and technical solutions

rehabStarting from practical cases observed on the field, the idea was to break down different steps of a diagnostic of a well in order to setup a protocol and to help appropriate decision-making as regard technical solutions. Of course, the major question in the background remains the relevance to rehabilitate an existing well versus the construction of a new well. Indeed, in some cases, the rehabilitation may appear inappropriate because it is too costly as compared to a new construction, or too risky or because of a too low feasibility to restore the well in a correct state.

See protocol in the following link to Pratiques website icon_pdf

Questions for well rehab SL