Author Archives: mathieu

Few explanations on Afridev and Malda hand pumps

Afridev and Malda pumps both started ”life” in Malawi in the early 80’s.

Focus on the development of Afridev shifted then to Kenya in 1983 ; and the Malda is the ”direct action” version of the Afridev pump developed in Malawi – MALawi Direct Action Pump : in 1994, UNICEF placed an initial order of 100 MALDA produced locally and installed in the project areas of Inter Aide and Concern Universal.

Water_PumpBoth of them are piston pumps.

” The piston is fitted with a non-return valve (the piston valve) and slides vertically up and down within a cylinder that is also fitted with a non-return valve (the foot valve). Raising and lowering the handle of the pump causes vertical movement of pump rods that are connected to the piston. When the piston moves upwards, the piston valve closes and a vacuum is created below it, causing water to be drawn into the cylinder through the foot valve, which opens. Simultaneously, water above the piston, held up by the closed piston valve, is displaced upwards. In a simple suction pump it emerges through the delivery outlet. When the piston moves downwards, the foot valve closes, preventing backflow, and the piston valve opens, allowing the piston to move down through the water in the cylinder. ”

source Water Aid :

These pumps have been designed so that it could be maintained by users (VLOM pumps -Village Level Operation and Maintenance) and could be manufactured locally.

Afficher l'image d'origineThe Afridev, in comparison to another popular hand pump – the India Mark II* -, can be considered as less robust, as wearing parts need to be change regularly (yearly), but the repair can be done more easily:
*India Mark II are not VLOM

  • need few tools
  • the piston can be removed from the cylinder without dismantling the rising main. The foot valve is retractable with a fishing tool, meaning less risks of rods falling down and losing the borehole.

It is designed to lift water from a depth no greater than 45 metres.

More information here:
or here

The MALDA pump
is a direct action pump, i.e. operating without the help of leverage, linkages and bearings, and depend on the strength of the operator pumping to lift the column of water.
The maximum recommended lift is 15 m.

More information here:
or here

To go further:

Study by Hystra presenting 15 innovative project including Inter Aide and BASEDA maintenance network in Malawi

direct link to the

Link to a study of 2011 produced by Hystra on ”Access to Safe Water for the Base of the Pyramid” and presenting 15 innovative projects led by social entrepreneurs, NGOs and businesses that propose a wide variety of solutions concerning access to safe water, each differing in terms of services, treatment effectiveness, technology and sustainability.

All of them provide solutions that cost less than the recommended 4% of the average income of a poor family in the BoP 500-1,000 range. The chosen projects also illustrate how the private sector can be called upon by public authorities to help develop and operate public infrastructure, or how it develops freely in areas with limited or no public service.

The hand pump maintenance services through networks of spare parts resellers and local mechanics developed in Malawi by Inter Aide and BASEDA are described pages 148 to 155.

Hystra is a global consulting firm working with businesses and social sector pioneers to design and implement hybrid strategies and innovative business approaches that:

  • are profitable, scalable and eradicate social and environmental problems
  • combine the insights and resources of business and citizen sectors

Hand pumps maintenance : a thematic worth to be shared

In December 2012 an internal workshop and exchange was held by Inter Aide between Program managers from Ethiopia, Sierra Leone and Malawi. It was the opportunity to learn and exchange from each other on methods and tools related to ”maintenance programs” and especially on the maintenance of hand pumps.

The 1st week was spent in Ethiopia with Yembeh, who came from Sierra Leone to explain to his Ethiopian colleagues the working principles of India Mark pumps. Indeed, the context where Inter Aide is working in Ethiopia allows the construction of gravity fed networks, whereas in Sierra Leone, the team is constructing and equipping hand dug wells. However, in the lowlands of Ethiopia, hand pumps are more common and the team wanted to get more experience on it in order to integrate such systems into a maintenance approach.

Inter Aide

Yembeh (right) explaining India Mark pumps to his colleagues from Ethiopia

In the meantime, Yembeh had the opportunity to learn more about gravity schemes thanks to Asrat, WASH coordinator in Ethiopia.

Then the 2nd week Yembeh ; Akalu – WaSH program manager from Ethiopia ; Gedewon – WaSH Coordinator of our partner RCBDI, has been introduced to the networks of Area Mechanics and spare parts retailers in Malawi by BASEDA + TIMMS represented by its coordinator Teddy, and Laurent, Inter Aide’s Program manager. It was the opportunity for them to discover a large hand pump maintenance scale project covering a lot of communities.
In the meantime, visiting the project in Phalombe, the Ethiopian team provided also some advises for rehabilitation of gravity schemes.

The following link summarizes the exchange done during this workshop